

2015-01-12 14:15 | 来源:外借服务部 | 关注度:
  【作    者】 李锦,谢康宁主编
【出 版 项】 西安.山西师范大学出版社有限公司,2014.1
【索 书 号】 H31/L185.2
【馆藏地点】 东三楼 第三书库



目  录:

Part One物理学专业英语基础
第一章 力学
Lesson 1
 1.1牛顿第一定律Newton’S First Law
 1.2生词表New words
 1.3课文注释Text Annotation
 1.4扩展阅读Extended Reading:Newton’S Second Law
 1.5常用用法Usages and Expressions
 I.数学表达式Mathematical Expressions
 Ⅱ.力学常用实验仪器Usual Experimental Mechanics Instruments
Lesson 2
 2.1功和能Work and Energy
 2.2生词表New Words
 2.3课文注释Text Annotation
 2.4扩展阅读Extended Reading:Fossil Fuel
 2.5常用用法Usages and Expressions
Lesson 3
 3.1动量与冲量Momentum and Impulse
 3.2生词表New Words
 3.3课文注释Text Annotation
 3.4扩展阅读Extended Reading
 I.动量守恒Conservation of Momentum
 Ⅱ.蒙大纳州立大学物理学家爱因斯坦赢得50万美元奖金MSU Physicist
 Einstein Expert Wins$500.000 Award
 3.5常用用法Usages and Expressions
第二章 热学
Lesson 4
 4.1温度和热平衡Temperature and Thermal Equilibrium
 4.2生词表New Words
 4.3课文注释Text Annotation
 4.4扩展阅读Extended Reading:Molecular Speeds
 4.5常用用法Usages and Expressions
 I.几种常用的温度计Several Usual Thermometers
 Ⅱ.热学常用实验仪器Usual Thermal Experiment Instruments
Lesson 5
 5.1内能和热力学第一定律Internal Energy and the First Law of Therillodynamics
 5.2生词表New Words
 5.3课文注释Text Annotation
 5.4扩展阅读Extended Reading
 I.理想气体的内能Internal Energy of an Ideal Gas
 Ⅱ.理想气体的热容量Heat Capacities of an Ideal Gas
 5.5常用用法Usages and Expressions
 I.面积的表示法The Representation of the Area
 Ⅱ.体积与容量的表示法The Representation of Volume
Lesson 6
 6.1热力学第二定律The Second Law of Thermodynamics
 6.2生词表New Words
 6.3课文注释Text Annotation
 6.4扩展阅读Extended Reading
 I.绝对温度rr}le Kelvin Temperature Scale
 Ⅲ.熵的微观解释Microscopic Interpretation of Entropy
 6.5常用用法Usages and Expressions
 常用几何部分词汇Usual Vocabularies for Geometrv
第三章 光学
Lesson 7
 7.1光的本质Nature of Light
 7.2生词表New Words
 7.3课文注释Text Annotation
 7.4扩展阅读Extended Reading:Hologram
 7.5常用用法Usages and Expressions
 常用的函数表达Usual Function Expressions
Lesson 8
 8.1几何光学Geometric Optics
 8.2生词表New Words
 8.3课文注释Text Annotation
 8.4扩展阅读Extended Reading:“Nanosuits”Made with Electron Microscope
 Protect Creatures from Vacuum
 8.5常用用法Usages and Expressions
 光学常用实验仪器Laboratory Apparatus in Optics
Lesson 9
 9.1物理光学Physical Optics
 9.2生词表New Words
 9.3课文注释Text Annotation
 9.4扩展阅读Extended Reading:Contact Lens
 9.5常用用法Usages and Expressions
 希腊字母Greek Alphabet
第四章 电学
Lesson 10
 10.1电路中的能量和功率Energy and Power in Electric Circuits
 10.2生词表New Words
 10.3课文注释Text Annotation
 10.4扩展阅读Extended Reading:Molecular Model of Induced Charge
 10.5常用用法:Usages and Expressions
 电磁学常用的器件和设备Devices and Equipment in Electromagnetism
Lesson 11
 11.1基尔霍夫定律Kirchhoff’S Rules
 11.2生词表New Words
 11.3课文注释Text Annotation
 1 1.4扩展阅读Extended Reading:Physiological Effects of Currents
 11.5常用用法Usages and Expressions
 电路中的量及其单位Quantities and Units in Circuits